Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Bridge to DESPAIR!...thia

You know, I am a fan of Walden Media. I am. I really am. I love how the movies stamped with the Walden Media logo end up being stuffed full of moral messages. For the most part - they're charming. Like, okay, Charlotte's web ...good stuff! Narnia - i dont really have to say anything. But - i watched Bridge to Terabithia last night with my roomate (who was cruelly waiting to regard my soggy reaction to the tail of the movie) aand...throughout the first half of the happy movie I was so excited!! "They're gunna get married" i said to my roomate in my college female overzealousness for love and marraige. "I just know they're gunna get married." And then if you've seen this movie before you know what happens. We had a meeting right after i watched the movie - and i had to explain to everyone why my eyes were all red and my face was puffed. Stink. But - all considered it was a great movie. And I would highly recommend it. I would say more - and i would say more thoughtfully - but I am being dragged away to dinner by a hungry and highly impatient crowd. Oh until next time.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Low

I'm a student spiritual leader at my university, which requires me to have arrived early at school for orientations. Lots of people speaking at me. For long periods of tme. I think i've discovered in the past year that I'm a visual learner, which may mean that being required to listen for a long time makes me wither. Wither is a good word. I start out fresh and crisp (crisp?) and with every other word i become stale and wilted. Like lettuce. Like lettuce put in the refrigerator in a subway sub. Who honestly eats decrepent (i spelled that wrong) lettuce? Well that's how i felt. Slimy, wilted and dead.

Anyway, I sometimes feel like i'm the only Christian who feels like this while sitting in those sessions. And maybe it's just because i struggle hearing people tell me what i need to do to be a good christian. I'm not a rebel. I'm not at all. I just become entirely discouraged after listening to those sessions. How to pray, how if i dont get up to pray at 5a.m. i'm an irresponsible christian. It makes me want to run away and it makes me regret the choice to be a leader. Don't get me wrong. I very much enjoy being a resource for people...I enjoy being able to be there for them, to encourage them. But listening to four hours of "who I should be" makes me think maybe i'm not a christian at all. I feel like i'm the only one who thinks this. It's discouraging. It's the Low.

I did manage to sketch some fun stuff though. Here they are.

I'm a personal fan of the fish. The End.