Friday, November 4, 2011

Oh, on a wing and a prayer

Today is Blog Post Friday.
And I don't have much to write about.
This may be the case throughout the month of November as I'm currenly participating in the event that's sweeping my twitter feed, NaNoWriMo. (See previous post)

October 31st at 9:30pm I sat at my desk, trying to figure out what in the world I was going to do for two and a half hours before I could finally begin writing. And sadly, every half hour that went by I became more and more tired...but I held out! And was victorious.

The first day I made it to 2535 words.
The second: 5022.
The third: 7212.
The fourth: I don't know yet, I haven't started writing yet...but soon enough I shall.

I'm finding I really enjoy this fast paced writing, but just like a good diet, that happy feeling will probably fade next week. I'm finding I'm extremely tired already and I'm only three days in. But the exercise in finishing something for once is very needed in my case and I'm glad.

I should probably figure out some sort of celebration for when November is over. A nap?


Anonymous said...

Hey, good luck this weekend! I'm way impressed with your numbers so far. I'm having a really hard time meeting my daily goal. I knew it would be difficult, especially for me since I agonize over every word, but sheesh! I must've spent 15 minutes trying to structure one sentence last night. I was busy planning a creative writing workshop which went off without a hitch today so now I can commit more time to writing. I may have to try the timer thing and/or word sprints.

Liz said...

Yeah, trying to write it fast is hard, mostly due to the fact you have to rush through it! I hope you find your groove!! Did you see the 15k by Sunday challenge?!?

Danielle said...

My celebration for the end of Nano will be reading your manuscript when I talk you into letting me read it. That might also convince you to finish writing it... that way I won't be sad when the story suddenly stops.